At Fathers Arise, we organize events, seminars, retreats and such other activities aimed at equipping men with knowledge and skills to enable them become better fathers for the benefit of the societies and communities where they come from and the Kingdom of God;
We provide mentorship, discipleship, business skills training and access to employment opportunities for young men rescued from criminal activity and to prepare them to be fully reintegrated into the mainstream community as responsible persons;
There is a safe environment at Fathers Arise for boys, men and fathers to share and receive counselling support, drug withdrawal support and referral for psych social support services;
We contribute to the development of local content and support systems that can be used to reach boys, men and fathers in work places, schools, churches and local communities to disseminate information to the target groups relevant to build a generation of strong, responsible and loving fathers and men;
We promote education especially among the under privileged and orphaned children through award of scholarships, sponsorships, bursaries and donations for primary, secondary and tertiary education;
We acquire a proprietary interest in any profit enterprise, investment and of other business venture with the view to utilizing the distributions obtained from such investment to advance the objects of the company